Residential Insurance Claims in Boca Raton

By Public Adjuster

Homeowners seek answers to their questions and concerns when there is damage or loss in Boca Raton. Adjusters may find themselves answering the phone every few minutes to address these concerns. The agent must read the policy and respond to the insured. If the agent places their own meaning to the policy wording, they may find they conflict with the insurer. A public adjuster can help here since they will be working directly with the insured and the insurer to resolve any coverage problems.

Loss Customers Are Angry and Unhappy

Insurance adjusters are among the first to be notified of a customer’s loss. You might require urgent help and resources with residential claims. Others might need emergency assistance and temporary lodging. You can ask the adjuster to file the claim, and of course, you can inquire about the procedure. It is always important to review the policy and a breakdown of coverages. A Boca Raton Florida public insurance adjuster is an expert at managing this procedure.

Frustrating for the Insured

Working with multiple insurances may be tedious, time-consuming, and sometimes frustrating for the insured. An excellent option is to choose a public insurance adjuster not involved in the decision-making process to represent the insured.

Significant Losses

Many underinsured individuals suffer significant losses. They typically end up with insufficient coverage limits after searching around for the best prices. The underinsured will often blame their agent for not adequately insuring them. Our competent public adjuster in Boca Raton may sometimes identify extra coverage under the policy to reduce the effect. Personal property buildings, landscaping, and building code upgrading are just a few examples of actions that may rapidly approach or surpass limits in the event of a significant loss. Our experienced public adjuster will search the policy for all coverages to minimize the impact of under-insurance.

Insurance Disagreements

Throughout the claim procedure, the insurer and insured often disagree on various topics. As public insurance adjusters, we reduce the agent’s load by answering questions and clarifying coverages, procedures, values, and alternatives. We may also get a deal for the loss that isn’t determined by the insurer. The public insurance adjuster’s objective is to collect all coverage due to the insured under the policy. Our experience shows this is not usually the insurer’s objective. A public insurance adjuster will work with the agent, the insured, and the insurer to quickly settle the claim for its entire worth.


Only a licensed public insurance adjuster may represent the insured. If you do not hire a general insurance adjuster, you will be without representation. Managing all aspects of a claim is a demanding job that should be done by a full-time employee.

With the right claims expert, you will be well-served.

Many times, Public Adjusters and their professional advisors, such as structural engineers, general contractors, and technical consultants, discover damages that insurance adjusters miss. Insurance adjusters are generally in a hurry to complete their work and go to their next planned appointment. Many damaged goods are missed, ignored, or undervalued because the insurance adjuster does not submit their report for weeks or months. Public adjusters help policyholders.

Blind Faith

Most individuals are raised to respect authority and obey regulations. For example, you accept a 3 percent interest rate on six-month CDs from the bank officer. Likewise, if your child’s instructor says he or she needs to improve their handwriting, you’ll assist. But if the insurer says your claim is worth $5000, you grin and take the check to the bank.

Your settlement payment may not cover your losses! Many of your possessions may not be represented, and concealed damage may not be detected.

Quick Settlements

Your insurer wants to quickly settle your claim and minimize their losses.

While speed is great, it doesn’t lend itself to thoroughness. The insurance adjuster may not detect all covered losses if they rush around your damaged Boca Raton property. Likewise, the adjuster works for the insurance company, not you. His allegiance is to his boss, who wants to save money.

You may respect authority but not settle for less than you deserve. Your insurance adjuster’s offer may be reasonable if you politely disagree.

It takes effort on your side. “I want more money” isn’t enough. Instead, you must explain to the public adjuster why you need more money. You may accomplish this alone or with the assistance of contractors and our public insurance adjusters.


You’ll need a decent digital camera with plenty of storage, a notepad, a folder for receipts and estimates, and a thorough damage inventory. Begin by photographing your loss. Take notes, create diagrams, and keep track of everything you discuss with insurance companies. Keep any receipts for emergency repairs, interim living costs, and other relevant expenses.

Obtain your own repair and replacement quotes to compare to your insurance adjusters. For example, if an insurance adjuster claims to repair a flooded bathroom floor would cost $70, but you have quotes from reputable contractors that indicate repairs will cost $500, you will be in a great position to get full reimbursement.

In this case, the adjuster may claim just a carpet cleaning is required, but the contractor’s quote may include drywall and wallpaper replacement, new flooring, and electrical repairs. Ask your contractor to accompany the insurance adjuster if feasible.

Boca Raton Residents Need Professional Insurance Adjuster Assistance

Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters stands ready to help Boca Raton residents process and expedite claims for their property damage. Call today at 888-442-5742.