Greenacres, FL Results

Recent Results:

Greenacres, FL 32463 – Neighborhood: Melaleuca Ln
Claim Type: Water – Roof Leak
Insurance Company Original Offer: $2,500
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters settlement: $55,000
Percentage Increase: +2100%

Greenacres, FL 33463– Neighborhood: Nautica Isles West
Claim Type: Electrical Fire / Fire
Insurance Company Original Offer: $15,000
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters settlement: $99,000
Percentage Increase: +6500%

Greenacres, FL 33413– Neighborhood: Arbor Lakes
Claim Type: Lightning Strike
Insurance Company Original Offer: Under Deductible
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters settlement: $215,000 ( New Roof + )
Percentage Increase: +6500%

Greenacres, FL 33413– Neighborhood: Baycourt Isle
Claim Type: Tropical Storm
Insurance Company Original Offer: $25,000
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters settlement: $90,000 ( New Roof + )
Percentage Increase: +260%

Greenacres, FL 33415– Neighborhood: Night Heron
Claim Type: Instant Hot Water Dispense / Water
Insurance Company Original Offer: $3,800
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters settlement: $65,000 ( New Kitchen + )
Percentage Increase: +1600%

Here Are 3 Common Misconceptions About Public Insurance Adjusters

You may not think about insurance or public adjusters often, and we don’t blame you; however, when its time to file a claim you probably consider your options a lot. When you need to file a claim you are more than likely going to be under a lot of stress and anxiety about the process. This is completely normal. Although, it shouldn’t be. Public adjusters are here to eliminate these feelings of stress, nervousness, and anxiety. Our team at Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters is qualified and experienced in all thing’s insurance and claims. We know how to file the claims without error, how to negotiate to get you what you deserve, and have the communication skills to keep you updated as the process moves forward. With us on your side, you cannot lose. But we understand why anyone would have hesitations. Public adjusters are sometimes misunderstood and get a bad reputation. Once these misconceptions are cleared many people start to see just how beneficial we can be. Which brings us to our guide on all the common misconceptions and the truth.

Public Adjusters are Expensive
One of the biggest reasons people tend to be nervous about using a public adjuster is this misconception that we are an expensive resource. People think that their money from the insurance will go to us and they won’t have any of it, which could not be further from the truth. We work hard for you throughout the entire process, get you the proper compensation, and only take a small percentage. This leaves you with the full amount you need to fix all the damage done to your home. With us, you will not need to put any money upfront. We do all the work for you until you are satisfied.

You Should Use the Insurance Company Adjuster
This is the biggest and worst misconception there is. First things first, the insurance companies are looking out for themselves and will be working to use complicated lingo, make the claim confusing, and be time-consuming all-in hopes that you will settle for less than you deserve. If you are trying to get what you deserve from the insurance company, why would you trust someone who literally works for the company you need money from? It simply does not make sense. Another thing worth considering, most public adjusters have worked for insurance companies in the past. This means that they know the tricks the insurance agents use to get what they want. This is a huge advantage for you if you decide to go with a public adjuster. Not only will your representative be immune to the tricks of the insurance company, but they also will know how to get the most out of them. This is a major win-win for you.

Once the Claim is Closed it is Game Over
A common line of thinking is that once the claim is submitted, or the money is received, you cannot continue to negotiate. This is untrue and contributes to a big reason why many people do not see the amount of money they deserve. This is what the insurance companies want you to think. When in fact, a public adjuster can be hired even after you have received the money from the insurance company. We can negotiate on your behalf if you feel that you deserved more. If this is similar to your situation, do not waste time! There are usually limitations on how long you have to negotiate at this point, making it imperative to get a public adjuster on the case as soon as possible.

If you think that a public adjuster may be able to help you, do not hesitate to reach out to our team at Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters, located inSouth, Florida. We have all the knowledge of the insurance industry and know how to get you the compensation you deserve. Do not let the insurance companies short you or waste your time, let us do the work for you. To learn more about Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters and our many services, give us a call today! We are looking forward to assisting you!

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