Pelican Bay Reviews

Recent Results:

State: Florida Public Insurance Adjuster
County: Collier County Public Insurance Adjuster
City: Pelican Bay Public Insurance Adjuster
Pelican Bay FL 34108  – Neighborhood: Pelican Bay – ButtonBush/Teal
Claim Type: Wind/Rain – Roof Damage – Roof Leak
Insurance Company Original Offer: $13,800
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters Settlement: $164,000
Percentage Increase: +1000%

State: Florida Public Insurance Adjuster
County: Collier County Public Insurance Adjuster
City: Pelican Bay Public Insurance Adjuster
Pelican Bay FL 34108  – Neighborhood: Pelican Bay – Tildon/Colony
Claim Type: Wind/Rain – Roof Damage – Roof Leak
Insurance Company Original Offer: $0.00 Under Deductible
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters Settlement: $180,000
Percentage Increase: +180,000%

State: Florida Public Insurance Adjuster
County: Collier County Public Insurance Adjuster
City: Pelican Bay Public Insurance Adjuster
Pelican Bay FL 34108  – Neighborhood:Pelican Bay – Willowwood Lane
Claim Type: Wind/Rain – Roof Damage – Roof Leak
Insurance Company Original Offer: $18,000
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters Settlement: $45,000
Percentage Increase: +150%

State: Florida Public Insurance Adjuster
County: Collier County Public Insurance Adjuster
City: Pelican Bay Public Insurance Adjuster
Pelican Bay FL 34108  – Neighborhood: Pelican Bay – George Washington
Claim Type: Water Damage – Dishwasher Leak
Insurance Company Original Offer: $22,000
Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters Settlement: $105,000
Percentage Increase: +377%

How a Public Insurance Adjuster in Pelican Bay can Help You?

Sometimes, things happen to us that will cause damage to your residential or commercial property. Times like these are when you rely on your insurance to cover the damage to your property. The problem is that filing a claim can be confusing and you are directed to work with your agent. They are affiliated with the insurance company and don’t do things to make the process easier. You end up becoming frustrated and might take a lower offer without realizing it. You need to get a public adjuster in Pelican Bay to help you. 

We are independent adjusters that will handle the process of filing a claim from start to finish. Our experience and knowledge make things easier in dealing with the insurance company and getting the maximum payout. 

How Can We Help?

At Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters, we have decades of experience working inside the insurance and construction industries. This gives us insights on how to accurately assess the damage and get you the most money. 

The insurance company is only interested in limiting their payouts. This is to increase their bottom line results, as payouts are considered a liability. They will engage in lowball tactics to entice you to take this offer. Even though they know that it does not fully cover the damage. The insurance company is using your lack of knowledge to its advantage. 

Our experience and knowledge will get you more money from your claim. Recently, we settled a claim in the George Washington area for a dishwasher leak. The insurance company originally offered $22,000. Our team evaluated the situation and looked at the policy. We were able to increase the final payout to $105,000. 

The way that we help you is to understand your situation and work with you through every step of filing the claim. Our team is results driven and we will get you more compared to trying to go at it alone. You are up against some powerful forces in the insurance company and you want to level the playing field by using us. 

It is More than Just the Results

At Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters, results do matter and will make a difference. We believe that giving you personal attention helps us to make your case stronger. Our team listens and understands your situation. 

We use this information and all of the facts to show the insurance company their contractual obligations. They have no choice but to give you the payout you deserve and stop with the lowball tactics. The insurance companies realize this and will give you the maximum payout. This is why we are the best residential claims public adjuster in Pelican Bay. 

Contact Alpha Public Insurance Adjusters Today!

Don’t go at it alone when filing an insurance claim. Contact us today and let our team help you. We are the best public adjuster in Pelican Bay that gets results and will stand up for you. No one looks out for your interests like we do. Contact us now and see how we can make a difference for you. 

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